Star cluster NGC 346

Star cluster NGC 346


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9639 px


12852 px


64 MB


NGC 346 is a dynamic star cluster located in the Small Magellanic Cloud, which is 200,000 light-years away from us. The feathers and arcs of gas in this image contain two types of hydrogen. The pink gas represents excited hydrogen, which typically has a temperature of about 10,000°C, while the more orange gas represents hydrogen at a temperature of around -200°C. The cooler gas provides an excellent environment for star formation while also changing the surrounding environment. The effect of this is visible in various ridges that form when the light from these young stars breaks apart dense clouds. Numerous columns of glowing gas show the effects of this stellar erosion throughout the region.


You can download this poster/image in high quality. You can then print it at your local printing shop and hang it on the wall.

p.File parameters to download


9639 px


12852 px


64 MB