The heliosphere

The heliosphere


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5000 px


6667 px


6 MB


The heliosphere is the area around the Sun in which the pressure of the solar wind exceeds the pressure of the galactic winds, creating a kind of protection against the cosmic wind. The heliosphere contains the Sun, all planets and most of the smaller bodies of the Solar System. So far, two space probes, the Voyager probes, have reached the edge of the heliosphere. Voyager 1 in December 2004 crossed the final shock at a distance of 85 AU from the Sun, recording changes in pressure, temperature and magnetic field, while Voyager 2 in May 2006 encountered this limit at a distance of 76 AU. This suggests that the heliosphere is not spherical in shape, but is somewhat irregular, expanding in the northern part.


You can download this poster/image in high quality. You can then print it at your local printing shop and hang it on the wall.

p.File parameters to download


5000 px


6667 px


6 MB