Flowers and still life Flowers and still life

Flowers and still life

This category features a variety of paintings depicting flowers and still life. You will find works by masters such as Abraham Mignon, Jan Davidszoon de Heem, Balthasar van der Ast, and many others. Discover the beauty of bouquets with fruits and flowers, floral patterns, delicate roses, and fascinating details like butterflies and colorful stamens.

Flowers in a metal vase - Abraham Mignon

Flowers in a metal vase - Abraham Mignon

Still Life with Flowers and Fruits - Jan van Os

Still Life with Flowers and Fruits - Jan van Os

Butterfly on a red flower

Butterfly on a red flower

Still Life with Flowers, Fruit, Great Tit and a Mouse - Herman Henstenburgh

Still Life with Flowers, Fruit, Great Tit and a Mouse - Herman Henstenburgh

Five flowers placed in a glass vase

Five flowers placed in a glass vase

Vase with Pink and White Flowers - Jan Davidszoon de Heem

Vase with Pink and White Flowers - Jan Davidszoon de Heem

Garland of Fruit and Flowers - Jan Davidszoon de Heem

Garland of Fruit and Flowers - Jan Davidszoon de Heem

Vase with Red, Blue, and White Flowers

Vase with Red, Blue, and White Flowers

Rose variety de Meaux - Pierre-Joseph Redouté

Rose variety de Meaux - Pierre-Joseph Redouté

Flowers in a Glass Vase - Abraham Mignon

Flowers in a Glass Vase - Abraham Mignon

Still Life with Red and Blue Roses in a Vase - Willem van Aelst

Still Life with Red and Blue Roses in a Vase - Willem van Aelst

Flowers in a Wan-Li Vase - Balthasar van der Ast

Flowers in a Wan-Li Vase - Balthasar van der Ast

A small bouquet of roses

A small bouquet of roses

Still Life with Red and White Flowers in the Making of a Bouquet - Dirck de Bray

Still Life with Red and White Flowers in the Making of a Bouquet - Dirck de Bray

Green and White Floral Pattern - William Morris

Green and White Floral Pattern - William Morris

White flower with yellow and purple stamens

White flower with yellow and purple stamens
